en dtk@che.ui.ac.id +62-7863-3516


What is Chemical Engineering?

Chemical Engineering is a broad discipline that brings pure chemistry to the engineering field to develop technology, to design, to operate and optimize chemical processes to produce commercial chemical products. Chemical engineering graduates work to make petrochemical products, polymers, microelectronics, fertilizers, biomedical equipment, paper, dyes, medicines and food.

What is the Bioprocess Technique?

Bioprocess Engineering is one of the specificities in the field of chemical engineering which aims to develop processes in producing products based on biological processes.

What is a career in chemical engineering?

Chemical engineering professions offer career challenges in the chemical industry, oil and energy industry, environmental technology and others. Many Bachelor’s degree in chemical engineering get the highest salary among all other undergraduate level. More information about careers in chemical engineering can be found at:

What types of careers are needed from UI Chemical Engineering graduates and the level of recruitment?

Many scholars work in the oil and gas industry, chemical industry, EPC companies, food and consumer goods industries. The department has strong ties with the industry and many graduates are needed. On average, graduates get jobs within 3 months after graduation.

What subjects should I prepare to enter the field of chemical engineering?

For undergraduate programs, math and science subjects and other supporting subjects offered by your school need to be well prepared.

What are the requirements to obtain a bachelor's degree in chemical engineering and bioprocess?

The degree is given to students who have passed 145 credits with a minimum C score and a maximum of 6 years study time. Read the FTUI Academic Guidebook for detailed information and for master and doctoral level studies.

The Academic Guidebook can be found at:


How to apply for a program offered by the UI Chemical Engineering Department?

The UI Chemical Engineering Department offers a variety of programs from undergraduate level to doctoral level. Click the following website for more detailed registration information.

For Indonesian students:
For international students:


What are the requirements to register?

If you want to register with the Chemical Engineering Department, there are several documents that need to be completed:
  1. School diploma
  2. Transcripts
  3. Proof of English proficiency for those who enroll in S1 international programs (www.eng.ui.ac.id/index.php/en/about/6)

How do I choose a research supervisor?

In the Department of Chemical Engineering, you can choose a research supervisor when you are a student. When you take Seminar and Research Methodology courses, you can choose a research supervisor.

What is the deadline for being accepted as a student?

Usually you can register before June every year. For detailed information, you can visit:


What if I have a non-chemical engineering bachelor's degree?

As long as a Bachelor’s degree comes from a MIPA or Engineering background, you can register. The results of your non-chemical engineering education can be partially compared to your S1 or S2 level education.

What are the minimum English Language Proficiency Exam (TOEFL, IELTS) requirements for international students?

  • TOEFL PBT = 500
  • TOEFL IBT = 61
  • TOEFL CBT = 173
  • IELTS = 5,5

How much is the cost of education?

The amount of education costs varies based on the program being undertaken. For more information you can visit www.ui.ac.id/en/admission/page/tuition-fee

How can I get funding for education from a university?

The University of Indonesia provides educational funding assistance to regular S1 program students. This scheme is called BOP-B. Visit the following website for more detailed information:


Is it necessary to submit a separate application for education funding assistance?

As soon as you are accepted as a Bachelor student, you can apply for educational funding assistance when re-registration is opened by the University of Indonesia.

Is there a scholarship to study in the UI Chemical Engineering Department?

Of course, there are several scholarships available. Some of our students received scholarships from DIKTI, LPDP, foundations, SPE scholarships, PPA-BBM, and other scholarship sources.

I have read the information on your website but I still have questions, to whom can I contact?

For more detailed questions, you can contact us:

Departemen Teknik Kimia
Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia
Kampus UI
Depok 16424-Indonesia
Telp: 021-786-3516
Fax: 021-786-3515
Email: dtk@che.ui.ac.id