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Magister Program

Postgraduate Program (S2) Chemical Engineering

The Masters level program is offered by the UI Chemical Engineering Department for regular classes on the Depok campus and for special classes in gas management on the Salemba campus. Students have the flexibility to choose a number of elective courses according to their specialization. Graduates of the Master’s program should be able to solve problems in the process system and / or conduct independent research based on the principles of science and can develop their professional performance as indicated by the level of ability in problem analysis, scientific approaches and coherent problem-solving abilities.

Master level programs can be completed at the Bachelor level through a 5-year “fast-track” program. This program is offered for undergraduate students who have excellent grades, both from the Chemical Engineering Study Program and the Bioprocess Engineering. There is a “double degree” program with NTUST Taiwan and Curtin University, Australia.

Study Requirements Credit
General Basic 15
Selection 15
Seminar & Thesis 10
Total 40

Program Specification

1. Awarding Institution  Universitas Indonesia
2. Host Institution Universitas Indonesia
3. Faculty Engineering
4. Program Tittle Undergraduate Program in Chemical Engineering
5. Vision and Mission


Becoming a superior and competitive Chemical Engineering Study Program, through efforts to educate the nation’s life to improve people’s welfare, thus contributing to the development of Indonesian and world society


  1. Providing broad and fair access, as well as quality education and teaching in Chemical Engineering;
  2. Organizing quality Tridharma activities that are relevant to national and global challenges;
  3. Creating graduates of Chemical Engineering who are of high quality, noble character, and able to compete globally;
  4. Creating an academic climate that can support the realization of the vision of the Department
6. Class Regular
7. Final Award Magister Teknik (M.T)
8. Accreditation / Recognition BAN-PT: Accredited A
9. Language(s) of Instruction Bahasa Indonesia
10. Study Scheme (Full Time / Part Time) Full Time
11. Entry Requirements Bachelor Degree / Equivalent
12. Study Duration 4 (four) Semesters or 2 (two) years
  Type of Semester Number of Semester Number of weeks / semester
  Regular 4 17
  Short (optional)    

Aims of the programme:
The aim of the Master in Chemical Engineering program is to provide high-quality graduate-level education so that graduates have the knowledge, abilities, and experience in researching the latest topics in chemical engineering


Graduate Profile:
The graduate who is able to develop alternative solutions to the problem deeply through the management of research activities based on scientific principles in the field of specific specialization in chemical engineering and contribute to meeting the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).


Expected Learning Outcomes (ELO):

  1. Able to analyze problem-related to thermodynamics, transport phenomena, and chemical reaction engineering in the field of chemical engineering
  2. Able to analyze chemical process system using modern computation tools
  3. Able to manage research activities independently based on scientific principles in certain fields of specialization
  4. Able to write and manage scientific articles in the field of chemical engineering and published in national or international publication
  5. Able to develop themselves continuously to be able to contribute according to professional ethics in solving local and global problems
16. Courses Coposition
No. Type of Courses Credit Hours (SKS) Percentage
i Total Compulsory Credits 21 52,5%
ii Total Elective Credits 9 22,5%
iii Scientific Publication, Pra Thesis and Thesis 10 25,0%
  Total 40 100%
Total Credit Hours to Graduate 40 Credits  


Employment Prospects

A Graduate of Master in Chemical Engineering study program at UI can be contributed in the following areas: in various industrial companies, research, and education institu-tions such as the chemical industries, oil and gas industries, engineering consultants, LIPI, Lemigas, and other related fields. Job names suitable for graduates of this pro-gram include process engineers, control engineers, program managers, project man-agers, technical managers, lecturers, and researchers. Some graduates have started working before graduating from the study program.


The Network of Expected Learning Outcome (ELO)

Mapping Table for Achieving ELO in the Chemical Engineering Master Program for Regular Class

Mapping Table for Achieving ELO in the Chemical Engineering Master Program for Gas Management Class

List of Courses for Chemical Engineering Master Program (Regular Class)

  Compulsary Courses (21 Credits)  
  Name of Courses Credits
ENCH800001 Adv Chemical Eng Thermodynamics 3
ENCH800003  Advanced Transport Phenomena 3
ENCH800004  Advanced Chemical Reaction Engineering 3
ENCH800005  Adv Chemical Eng. Modeling 3
ENCH800006  Research Methodology 3
ENCH800009  Natural Gas Processing 3
ENCH800027  Renewable Energy 3
  Elective Courses (9 Credits)  
  Elective 1 3
  Elective 2 3
  Elective 3 3
  Special Courses (10 SKS)  
ENCH800007 Pre Thesis 3
ENCH800008  Thesis 6
ENCH800055 Scientific Publications 2
Matriculation Courses for Non-Chemical Engineering Bachelor
ENCH600005 Numerical Computation 3
ENCH600010  Transport Phenomena 3
ENCH600013 Chemical Eng Thermodynamics 4
ENCH600019 Chemical Reaction Engineering 1 3

Courses Structure of Master Program in Chemical Engineering for Regular Class

Kode/Code Semester 1 1st Semester Credits
ENCH800001 Termodinamika Teknik Kimia Lanjut Adv Chemical Eng Thermodynamics 3
ENCH800027 Energi Berkelanjutan Sustainable Energy 3
ENCH800009 Pengolahan Gas Bumi Natural Gas Processing 3
  Pilihan 1 Elective 1 3
     Subtotal 12
Kode/Code Semester 2 2nd Semester  Credits
ENCH800003 Peristiwa Perpindahan Lanjut Advanced Transport Phenomena 3
ENCH800004 Teknik Reaksi Kimia Lanjut Advanced Chemical Reaction Engineering 3
ENCH800005 Pemodelan Teknik Kimia Lanjut Adv Chemical Eng. Modeling 3
ENCH800006 Metodologi Penelitian Research Methodology 3
     Subtotal 12
Kode/Code Semester 3 3rd Semester  Credits
ENCH800007 Pra Tesis Pre Thesis 2
  Pilihan 2 Elective 2 3
  Pilihan 3 Elective 3 3
     Subtotal 8
Kode/Code Semester 4 4th Semester  Credits
ENCH800008 Tesis Thesis 6
ENCH800055 Publikasi Ilmiah Scientific Publication 2
     Subtotal 8
    Total 40

Courses Structure of Master Program in Chemical Engineering for Regular Class from Non-Chemical Engineering Bachelor

Kode/Code Semester 1 1st Semester Credits
Matrikulasi-ENCH600010 Peristiwa Perpindahan Transport Phenomena
Matrikulasi-ENCH600005 Komputasi Numerik Numerical Computation
Matrikulasi-ENCH600019 Teknik Reaksi Kimia 1 Chemical Reaction Engineering 1
  Pilihan 1 Elective 1 3
  Pilihan 2 Elective 2 3
     Subtotal 6
Kode/Code Semester 2 2nd Semester Credits
Matrikulasi-ENCH600013 Termodinamika Teknik Kimia Chemical Eng Thermodynamics
ENCH800003 Peristiwa Perpindahan Lanjut Advanced Transport Phenomena 3
ENCH800004 Teknik Reaksi Kimia Lanjut Advanced Chemical Reaction Engineering 3
ENCH800005 Pemodelan Teknik Kimia Lanjut Adv Chemical Eng. Modeling 3
ENCH800006 Metodologi Penelitian Research Methodology 3
     Subtotal 12
Kode/Code Semester 3 3rd Semester Credits
ENCH800001 Termodinamika Teknik Kimia Lanjut Adv Chemical Eng Thermodynamics 3
ENCH800027 Energi Berkelanjutan Sustainable Energy 3
ENCH800009 Pengolahan Gas Bumi Natural Gas Processing 3
ENCH800007 Pra Tesis Pre Tesis 2
  Pilihan 3 Elective 3 3
     Subtotal 14
Kode/Code Semester 4 4th Semester Credits
ENCH800007 Tesis Thesis 6
ENCH800008 Publikasi Ilmiah Scientific Publication 2
     Subtotal 8
    Total 40
List of Elective Courses in Odd Semester 
ENCH800014 Industri Oleokimia Oleochemical Industry 3
ENCH800015 Teknologi Pangan Food Technology 3
ENCH800016 Rekayasa Protein Protein Engineering 3
ENCH800017 Teknologi Herbal  Herbal Technology 3
ENCH800018 Material Komposit Composite Material 3
ENCH800019 Termodinamika Terapan Applied Thermodynamics 3
ENCH800020 Sistem Dinamik Dynamic System 3
ENCH800021 Sifat Termodinamika Hidrokarbon Thermodynamic Properties of Hydrocarbon 3
ENCH800022 Teknologi Pelumas Lubricant Technology 3
ENCH800023 Teknologi Kriogenik Cryogenic Technology 3
ENCH800024 Teknik Pembakaran Combustion Technology 3
ENCH800025 Teknologi Plasma dan Ozon Plasmaand Ozone Technology  3
ENCH800026 Katalisis Heterogen Heterogeneous Catalytic 3
ENCH800028 Manajemen Resiko Risk Management 3
ENCH800029 Teknologi Elektrokimia Electrochemical Technology 3
ENCH800030 Teknologi Ekstraksi dan Isolasi Bahan Alam Extraction Technology & Isolation for Natural Products  3
ENCH800031 Topik Khusus 1 Special Topic 1 3
ENCH800032 Biokimia Biochemistry 3
List of Elective Courses in Even Semester
ENCH800034 Teknologi Penyimpanan dan Pengemasan Storage and Packing Technology 3
ENCH800035 Bioinformatics Bioinformatics 3
ENCH800036 Teknologi Obat dan Kosmetik Drugs and Cosmetics Technology 3
ENCH800037 Pengolahan Minyak Bumi Petroleum Processing 3
ENCH800038 Proses Petrokimia Petrochemical Processing 3
ENCH800039 Teknologi Fotokatalisis Photocatalytic Technology 3
ENCH800040 Eksplorasi dan Produksi Hidrokarbon Hydrocarbon Exploration and Production 3
ENCH800041 Pencegahan Pencemaran Waste Management and Prevention 3
ENCH800042 Teknologi Pengembangan dan Pemanfaatan Mikroalga Microalgae Cultivation and Development Technology 3
ENCH800043 Utilitas dan Pemeliharaan Pabrik Plant Utility and Maintenance 3
ENCH800044 Transportasi dan Pemanfaatan Gas Bumi Transportation and Utilization of Natural Gas 3
ENCH800045 Teknologi Pencampuran  Mixing Technology 3
ENCH800046 Kecakapan Pemecahan Masalah Problem Solving Skills 3
ENCH800047 Teknologi Polimer Polymer Technology 3
ENCH800048 Modifikasi Genetik Makhluk Hidup Genetically Modified Organism 3
ENCH800049 Teknologi Pelepasan terkendali Obat Controlled Drug Release Technology 3
ENCH800050 Topik Khusus 2 Special Topic 2 3
ENCH800051 Teknologi Konversi Termokimia Biomassa Biomass Thermochemical Conversion 3
ENCH800052 Dasar Pemrograman Basic Computer Programming 3

List of Courses for Chemical Engineering Master Program (Gas Management Class)

Compulsary Courses (21 Credits)
  Name of Courses Credits
ENCH800001 Adv Chemical Eng Thermodynamics 3
ENCH800002  Health and Safety in Natural Gas Industry 3
ENCH800009  Natural Gas Processing 3
ENCH800010  Natural Gas Project Management 3
ENCH800011  Natural Gas Economics 3
ENCH800012  System Eng Management 3
ENCH800027  Renewable Energy 3
Elective Courses (9 Credits)  
  Elective 1 3
  Elective 2 3
  Elective 3 3
Special Courses (Pra Thesis, Thesis & Scientific Publication) (10 SKS)
ENCH800006 Pre Thesis 2
ENCH800007  Thesis 6
ENCH800008 Scientific Publications 2

Courses Structure of Master Program in Chemical Engineering for Management Gas Class

Kode/Code Semester 1 1st Semester Credits
ENCH800001 Termodinamika Teknik Kimia Lanjut Adv Chemical Eng Thermodynamics 3
ENCH800027 Energi Berkelanjutan Sustainable Energy 3
ENCH800009 Pengolahan Gas Bumi Natural Gas Processing 3
  Pilihan 1 Elective 1 3
     Subtotal 12
Kode/Code Semester 2 2nd Semester  Credits
ENCH800011 Keekonomian Gas Bumi Natural Gas Economics 3
ENCH800012 Manajemen Sistem Rekayasa System Eng Management. 3
  Pilihan 2 Elective 2 3
  Pilihan 3 Elective 3 3
     Subtotal 12
Kode/Code Semester 3 3rd Semester  Credits
ENCH800007 Pra Tesis Pre Thesis 2
ENCH800010 Manajemen Proyek Gas Bumi Natural Gas Project Management 3
ENCH800002 K3 dalam Industri Gas Bumi Health and Safety in Natural Gas Industry 3
     Subtotal 8
Kode/Code Semester 4 4th Semester  Credits
ENCH800008 Tesis Thesis 6
ENCH800055 Publikasi Ilmiah Scientific Publication 2
     Subtotal 8
    Total 40

List of Elective Courses

ENCH800040 Eksplorasi & Produksi Hidrokarbon Hydrocarbon Exploration & Production 1 3
ENCH800028 Manajemen Resiko Risk Management 2 3
ENCH800044 Transportasi & Pemanfaatan Gas Bumi Transportation & Utilization of Natural Gas 2 3

Transition Guidance from Curriculum 2016 to 2020 for Master of Regular and Management Gas Classes

  1. New curriculum 2020 will be applied effectively from Odd Semester 2020/2021. In principle, after curriculum 2020 is implemented, then only courses from this new curriculum will be opened.
  2. For class 2019 and above will follow these transition rules.
  3. The enforcement of the transitional period is one year. During this transition period, if a course in curriculum 2020 is in odd Semester while in the previous curriculum in even Semester (vice versa), then this course can be held (if necessary) in both semesters.
  4. For students who have not passed the compulsory courses in curriculum 2016, are required to take the same course or equivalent in curriculum 2020.
  5. When there is a change in the course credits, then the number of graduation credits counted in is the number of credits when it was taken. The same or equivalent courses, when are equated with different credits, if retaken, or just taken, will be acknowledged under a new name and credits.
  6. When a compulsory subject in the curriculum 2016 is deleted, and there is no equivalence in the curriculum 2020 then: For students who have passed these subjects, the credits that are achieved will be counted in the calculation of graduation 40 credits. For students who did not pass these courses, they can take new compulsory courses or choose elective subjects in the curriculum 2020 to complete 40 credits.
  7. In addition to changes in curriculum structure from 2016 to 2020, there are also the addition of several elective courses: Teknologi Elektrokimia), Teknologi Pencampuran (Mixing Technology), Teknologi Pengembangan dan Pemanfaatan Mikroalga (Microalgae Cultivation and Development Technology), Teknologi Ekstraksi dan Isolasi Bahan Alam (Extraction & Isolation Technology for Natural Products), Konversi Termokimia Biomassa (Biomass Termochemical Conversion Technology), Modifikasi Genetik Makhluk Hidup (Genetically Modified Organism), dan Dasar Pemrograman Computer (Basic Computer Programming)

Syllabus Of Master Program In Chemical Engineering Department For Regular Class

Syllabus Of Master Program In Chemical Engineering Department For Regular Class