The Process Systems Engineering Laboratory (PSE) of the Chemical Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, University of Indonesia was established on May 27, 2022 based on the Decree of the Dean of FTUI Number 505 concerning Amendments to the Decree of the Dean Number 301 of 2021 concerning the Appointment of the Head of the Laboratory within the Chemical Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, University of Indonesia for the 2022-2026 Period. PSE DTK FTUI was previously called the Chemical Process Simulation Laboratory (PSE) and changed from an educational laboratory to a research laboratory.
Head of Lab.
Prof. Ir. Abdul Wahid, M.T., Ph.D
Fadly Syahril Pasa, Amd
Schlumberger, Honeywell, Yokogawa
Research Topics:
Contact Address:
Gedung B Lantai 4 Departemen Teknik Kimia
Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia
Kampus UI Depok 16424, Indonesia
Telp: +62-21-7863516
WA +62 816 789 272