Undergraduate Program (S1) Parallel Chemical Engineering
To improve the capacity usage for educational purposes, Universitas Indonesia has opened the Undergraduate Parallel Class Program.
This program is given the same facilities and curriculum as those given to the Undergraduate Regular Program. However only six out of twelve study programs are available for future students to choose from. The classes are held in FTUI Depok from morning through night time, different than classes of regular program which are held from morning through to early evening. The Undergraduate Parallel Program allows all high school graduates from any years to register to the program. This differ from the Undergraduate Regular Program which limit registration to students with a maximum of three years of graduation time. Thus making this program available to all graduates of high school from any years to get their Bachelor Degree. In term of Educational Fees, the Undergraduate Parallel Program will pay full in accordance to the listed fees, students are not allowed to apply for the scholarship and the Biaya Pendidikan Berkeadilan (BOP-B) as their Regular Program friends. Graduation requirements and accreditation of the Undergraduate Regular Program also applies to the Undergraduate Parallel Program.
For the Undergraduate Parallel Program, the Admission Path that they can choose are: Admission by Invitation (PPKB S1 Paralel) where the admission selection is based on the students’ academic achievement.
Future student can only choose one study program offered in the Undergraduate Parallel Program.
SIMAK UI Written Test.
Starting in 2011, all extension programs in FTUI were merged into Parallel Classes in the Undergraduate Program. Diploma graduates who are registered as a student in these parallel classes, credits obtained from the previous diploma program will be transferred in blocks of 38 credits. Students begin their study in the third semester by taking all academic load according to package provided for the third semester. Afterward, they can take credits in accordance with their IPS in the following semester.
Study Requirements | Credit |
General Basic | 18 |
Basic Engineering | 25 |
Basic Study Program | 59 |
Support | 15 |
Selection | 11 |
Courses “Capstone” | 16 |
Total | 144 |
1. | Awarding Institution |
a. Regular and Parallel: Universitas Indonesia b. International Program:
2. | Host Institution |
a. Regular and Parallel: Universitas Indonesia b. International Program:
3. | Faculty | Engineering | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
4. | Program Tittle | Undergraduate Program in Chemical Engineering | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
5. | Vision and Mission |
Vision Becoming a superior and competitive Chemical Engineering Study Program, through efforts to educate the nation’s life to improve people’s welfare, thus contributing to the development of Indonesian and world society |
6. | Class | Regular, Parallel, International Program | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
7. | Final Award |
a. Regular and Parallel: Sarjana Teknik (ST) b. International Program:
8. | Accreditation / Recognition |
Accredited: BAN-PT (Excellent), JABEE and IABEE Assessment: AUN QA |
9. | Language(s) of Instruction |
Regular and Parallel: Bahasa Indonesia International Program: English |
10. | Study Scheme (Full Time / Part Time) | Full Time | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
11. | Entry Requirements |
12. | Duration of Study | 8 (eight) Semesters or 4 (Four) years | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Type of Semester | Number of Semester | Number of weeks / semester | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Regular | 8 | 16 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Short (optional) | 3 | 8 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
13. |
Aims of the program is to provide the highest quality education so that graduates have:
14. |
Graduate Profile: Graduates of The Undergraduate Program of PSTK-FTUI should be able to contribute to the field of chemical engi- neering by applying chemical engineering principles with careful consideration of the engineering, economic, social, health and safety, energy, environment, sustainability, and ethical aspects; able to think critically, communicate effectively, and work in together in a multidisciplinary team. |
15. |
Expected Learning Outcomes:
16. | Classification of Courses | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
A graduate of the Chemical Engineering Study Program at UI can be described as a “Universal Engineer” as they learn the basics of engineering such as thermodynamics, reaction kinetics, and reactor design, separation processes, as well as transport phenomena (momentum, energy, and mass). Graduates of Chemical Engineering Department at UI have contributed in the following areas: energy (oil and gas industry), engineering contractor companies (engineering, procurement, construction, and trial operation), chemical industry (petrochemicals, bulk, and specialty chemicals), research and development of process and/or chemical products, and processing and synthesis of food products and pharmaceuticals.
Code | Name of Courses | Credits |
Reg-Par / International | Reg-Par / International | |
University Courses (9 Credits) | ||
UIGE600006 | MPK Terintegrasi / Integrated Character Building | 5 |
UIGE600003 | MPK Bahasa Inggris / English | 2 |
UIGE600004 | MPK Agama / Religion | 2 |
Faculty Courses (25 Credits) | ||
ENGE600003 | Kalkulus / Calculus | 4 |
ENGE600004 | Aljabar Linear / Linear Algebra | 4 |
ENGE600005 | Fisika Mekanik dan Panas / Physics (Mechanics and Thermal) | 3 |
ENGE600006 | Praktikum Fisika Mekanik dan Panas / Physics (Mechanics and Thermal) Lab | 1 |
ENGE600007 | Fisika Listrik, Magnet, Gelombang dan Optik / Physics [Electricity, Magnetic, Wave, Ophtics (MWO)] | 3 |
ENGE600008 | Praktikum Fisika Listrik, Magnet, Gelombang dan Optik / Physics (Electricity, MWO) Lab | 1 |
ENGE600009 | Kimia Dasar / Basic Chemistry | 2 |
ENGE600010 | Statistik dan Probablitas / Statistic and Probability | 2 |
ENGE600011 | Ekonomi Teknik / Engineering Economics | 3 |
ENGE600012 | Kesehatan, Keselamatan Kerja & Lindung Lingkungan / HSE Protection | 2 |
Special Courses (9 Credits) | ||
ENCH600028/ENCH610031 | Kerja Praktek / On The Job Training (Internship) | 2 |
ENCH600029/ENCH610032 | Metodologi Penelitian dan Seminar / Research Methodology & Seminar | 2 |
ENCH600033/ENCH610033 | Skripsi / Undergraduate Thesis | 5 |
Chemical Engineering Courses (75 Credits) | ||
ENCH600001/ENCH610001 | Pengantar Teknik Kimia / Introduction to chemical engineering | 3 |
ENCH600002/ENCH610002 | Kecakapan Komunikasi / Communication Skills | 2 |
ENCH600003/ENCH610003 | Kimia Organik / Organic Chemistry | 3 |
ENCH600004/ENCH610004 | Praktikum Kimia Dasar dan Kimia Organik / Basic and Organic Chemistry Lab | 1 |
ENCH600005/ENCH610007 | Komputasi Numerik / Numerical Computation | 3 |
ENCH600006/ENCH610008 | Kimia Analitik Instrumental / Instrumental Analytical Chemistry | 3 |
ENCH600007/ENCH610005 | Kimia Fisika / Physical Chemistry | 3 |
ENCH600008/ENCH610009 | Praktikum Kimia Fisika dan Kimia Analitik / Phys. & Anal. Chem. Lab | 1 |
ENCH600009/ENCH610006 | Neraca Massa dan Energi / Mass and Energy Balance | 3 |
ENCH600010/ENCH610010 | Peristiwa Perpindahan / Transport Phenomena | 3 |
ENCH600011/ENCH610014 | Pemodelan Teknik Kimia / Chemical Engineering Modelling | 3 |
ENCH600012/ENCH610011 | Mekanika Fluida dan Partikel / Fluid and Particle Mechanics | 3 |
ENCH600013/ENCH610012 | Termodinamika Teknik Kimia / Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics | 4 |
ENCH600014/ENCH610015 | Perpindahan Kalor / Heat Transfer | 3 |
ENCH600015/ENCH610017 | Menggambar Teknik Proses / Process Engineering Drawing | 3 |
ENCH600016/ENCH610013 | Ilmu Bahan dan Korosi / Material Science & Corrosion | 2 |
ENCH600017/ENCH610016 | Perpindahan Massa / Mass Transfer | 3 |
ENCH600018/ENCH610020 | Praktikum UOP 1 / Unit Operation Process Lab I | 1 |
ENCH600019/ENCH610021 | Chemical Reaction Engineering 1 | 3 |
ENCH600020/ENCH610018 | Chemical Process Simulation | 3 |
ENCH600021/ENCH610023 | Process Control | 3 |
ENCH600022/ENCH610024 | Unit Operation Process Lab II | 1 |
ENCH600023/ENCH610025 | Chemical Reaction Engineering 2 | 3 |
ENCH600024/ENCH610026 | Process Equipment Design | 3 |
ENCH600025/ENCH610027 | Chemical Product Design | 4 |
ENCH600026/ENCH610028 | Industrial Project Management | 2 |
ENCH600027/ENCH610029 | Plant Design | 4 |
ENCH600030/ENCH610030 | Capita Selecta | 2 |
Elective Courses (26 Credits) | ||
Mata Kuliah Pilihan 1 / Elective 1 | 3 | |
Mata Kuliah Pilihan 2 / Elective 2 | 3 | |
Mata Kuliah Pilihan 3 / Elective 3 | 3 | |
Mata Kuliah Pilihan 4 / Elective 4 | 3 | |
Mata Kuliah Pilihan 5 / Elective 5 | 3 | |
Mata Kuliah Pilihan 6 / Elective 6 | 3 | |
Mata Kuliah Pilihan 7 / Elective 7 | 3 | |
Mata Kuliah Pilihan 8 / Elective 8 | 3 | |
Mata Kuliah Pilihan 9 / Elective 9 | 3 |
Courses Structure of Undergraduate Program in Chemical Engineering for Regular and Parallel Class Program
Kode/Code | Semester 1 | 1st Semester | Credits |
UIGE600004 | MPK Agama | Religion | 2 |
UIGE600003 | MPK Bahasa Inggris | English | 2 |
ENGE600003 | Kalkulus | Calculus | 4 |
ENGE600007 | Fisika Listrik, Magnet, Gelombang, dan Optik | Physics (Electricity, MWO) | 3 |
ENGE600008 | Praktikum Fisika Listrik, Magnet, Gelombang, dan Optik | Physics (Electricity, MWO) Lab | 1 |
ENGE600009 | Kimia Dasar | Basic Chemistry | 2 |
ENCH600001 | Pengantar Teknik Kimia | Introduction to chemical engineering | 2 |
ENCH600002 | Kecakapan Komunikasi | Communication Skills | 2 |
Subtotal | 18 | ||
Kode/Code | Semester 2 | 2nd Semester | Credits |
UIGE600006 | MPK Terintegrasi | Integrated Character Building | 5 |
ENGE600004 | Aljabar Linear | Linear Algebra | 4 |
ENGE600005 | Fisika Mekanika dan Panas | Physics (Mechanics and Thermal) | 3 |
ENGE600006 | Praktikum Fisika Mekanika dan Panas | Physics (Mechanics and Thermal) Lab | 1 |
ENGE600010 | Statistik dan Probabilistik | Statistic and Probability | 2 |
ENCH600003 | Kimia Organik | Organic Chemistry | 3 |
ENCH600004 | Praktikum Kimia Dasar dan Kimia Organik | Organic and Basic Chemistry Lab | 1 |
Subtotal | 19 | ||
Kode/Code | Semester 3 | 3rd Semester | Credits |
ENCH600005 | Komputasi Numerik | Numerical Computation | 3 |
ENCH600006 | Kimia Analitik Instrumental | Instrumental Analytical Chemistry | 3 |
ENCH600007 | Kimia Fisika | Physical Chemistry | 3 |
ENCH600008 | Praktikum Kimia Fisika dan Kimia Analitik | Phys. & Anal. Chem. Lab | 1 |
ENCH600009 | Neraca Massa dan Energi | Mass and Energy Balance | 3 |
ENCH600010 | Peristiwa Perpindahan | Transport Phenomena | 3 |
Pilihan 1 | Elective 1 | 3 | |
Subtotal | 19 | ||
Kode/Code | Semester 4 | 4th Semester | Credits |
ENCH600011 | Pemodelan Teknik Kimia | Chemical Engineering Modelling | 3 |
ENCH600012 | Mekanika Fluida dan Partikel | Fluid and Particle Mechanics | 3 |
ENCH600013 | Termodinamika Teknik Kimia | Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics | 4 |
ENCH600014 | Perpindahan Kalor | Heat Transfer | 3 |
ENCH600015 | Menggambar Teknik Proses | Process Engineering Drawing | 2 |
ENCH605016 | Ilmu Bahan dan Korosi | Material Science & Corrosion | 3 |
Pilihan 2 | Elective 2 | 3 | |
Subtotal | 21 | ||
Kode/Code | Semester 5 | 5th Semester | Credits |
ENGE600011 | Ekonomi Teknik | Engineering Economics | 3 |
ENGE600012 | Kesehatan, Keselamatan Kerja & Lindung Lingkungan | HSE Protection | 2 |
ENCH600017 | Perpindahan Massa | Mass Transfer | 4 |
ENCH600018 | Praktikum UOP 1 | Unit Operation Process Lab I | 1 |
ENCH600019 | Teknik Reaksi Kimia 1 | Chemical Reaction Engineering 1 | 3 |
ENCH600020 | Simulasi Proses Kimia | Chemical Process Simulation | 3 |
Pilihan 3 | Elective 3 | 3 | |
Subtotal | 19 | ||
Kode/Code | Semester 6 | 6th Semester | Credits |
ENCH600021 | Pengendalian Proses | Process Control | 3 |
ENCH600022 | Praktikum UOP 2 | Unit Operation Process Lab II | 1 |
ENCH600023 | Teknik Reaksi Kimia 2 | Chemical Reaction Engineering 2 | 3 |
ENCH600024 | Perancangan Alat Proses | Process Equipment Design | 3 |
ENCH600025 | Perancangan Produk Kimia | Chemical Product Design | 4 |
Pilihan 4 | Elective 4 | 3 | |
Pilihan 5 | Elective 5 | 3 | |
Subtotal | 20 | ||
Kode/Code | Semester 7 | 7th Semester | Credits |
ENCH600026 | Manajemen Proyek Industri | Industrial Project Management | 2 |
ENCH600027 | Perancangan Pabrik | Plant Design | 4 |
ENCH600028 | Kerja Praktek | On The Job Training (Internship) | 2 |
ENCH600029 | Metodologi Penelitian dan Seminar | Research Methodology & Seminar | 2 |
Pilihan 6 | Elective 6 | 3 | |
Pilihan 7 | Elective 7 | 3 | |
Pilihan 8 | Elective 8 | 3 | |
Pilihan 9 | Elective 8 | 2 | |
Subtotal | 21 | ||
Kode/Code | Semester 8 | 8th Semester | Credits |
ENCH600030 | Kapita Selekta | Capita Selecta | 2 |
ENCH600033 | Skripsi | Undergraduate Thesis | 5 |
Subtotal | 7 | ||
Total | 144 | ||
List of Elective Courses in Odd Semester | |||
ENCH800014 | Industri Oleokimia | Oleochemical Industry | 3 |
ENCH800015 | Teknologi Pangan | Food Technology | 3 |
ENCH800016 | Rekayasa Protein | Protein Engineering | 3 |
ENCH800017 | Teknologi Herbal | Herbal Technology | 3 |
ENCH800018 | Material Komposit | Composite Material | 3 |
ENCH800019 | Termodinamika Terapan | Applied Thermodynamics | 3 |
ENCH800020 | Sistem Dinamik | Dynamic System | 3 |
ENCH800021 | Sifat Termodinamika Hidrokarbon | Thermodynamic Properties of Hydrocarbon | 3 |
ENCH800022 | Teknologi Pelumas | Lubricant Technology | 3 |
ENCH800023 | Teknologi Kriogenik | Cryogenic Technology | 3 |
ENCH800024 | Teknik Pembakaran | Combustion Technology | 3 |
ENCH800025 | Teknologi Plasma dan Ozon | Plasmaand Ozone Technology | 3 |
ENCH800026 | Katalisis Heterogen | Heterogeneous Catalytic | 3 |
ENCH800027 | Energi Berkelanjutan | Sustainable Energy | 3 |
ENCH800028 | Manajemen Resiko | Risk Management | 3 |
ENCH800029 | Teknologi Elektrokimia | Electrochemical Technology | 3 |
ENCH800030 | Teknologi Ekstraksi dan Isolasi Bahan Alam | Extraction Technology & Isolation for Natural Products | 3 |
ENCH800031 | Topik Khusus 1 | Special Topic 1 | 3 |
ENCH800032 | Biokimia | Biochemistry | 3 |
ENCH800033 | Pengolahan Gas Bumi | Natural Gas Processing | 3 |
List of Elective Courses in Even Semester | |||
ENCH800034 | Teknologi Penyimpanan dan Pengemasan | Storage and Packing Technology | 3 |
ENCH800035 | Bioinformatics | Bioinformatics | 3 |
ENCH800036 | Teknologi Obat dan Kosmetik | Drugs and Cosmetics Technology | 3 |
ENCH800037 | Pengolahan Minyak Bumi | Petroleum Processing | 3 |
ENCH800038 | Proses Petrokimia | Petrochemical Processing | 3 |
ENCH800039 | Teknologi Fotokatalisis | Photocatalytic Technology | 3 |
ENCH800040 | Eksplorasi dan Produksi Hidrokarbon | Hydrocarbon Exploration and Production | 3 |
ENCH800041 | Pencegahan Pencemaran | Waste Management and Prevention | 3 |
ENCH800042 | Teknologi Pengembangan dan Pemanfaatan Mikroalga | Microalgae Cultivation and Development Technology | 3 |
ENCH800043 | Utilitas dan Pemeliharaan Pabrik | Plant Utility and Maintenance | 3 |
ENCH800044 | Transportasi dan Pemanfaatan Gas Bumi | Transportation and Utilization of Natural Gas | 3 |
ENCH800045 | Teknologi Pencampuran | Mixing Technology | 3 |
ENCH800046 | Kecakapan Pemecahan Masalah | Problem Solving Skills | 3 |
ENCH800047 | Teknologi Polimer | Polymer Technology | 3 |
ENCH800048 | Modifikasi Genetik Makhluk Hidup | Genetically Modified Organism | 3 |
ENCH800049 | Teknologi Pelepasan terkendali Obat | Controlled Drug Release Technology | 3 |
ENCH800050 | Topik Khusus 2 | Special Topic 2 | 3 |
ENCH800051 | Teknologi Konversi Termokimia Biomassa | Biomass Thermochemical Conversion | 3 |
ENCH800052 | Dasar Pemrograman | Basic Computer Programming | 3 |
Courses Placement of Fast Track Undergraduate to Master Courses in Chemical Engineering Study Program from Chemical Engineering Undergraduate Program
Code | Semester 7 | 7th Semester | Credits |
ENCH800033 | Pengolahan Gas Bumi | Natural Gas Processing | 3 |
ENCH600028 | Manajemen Proyek Industri | Industrial Project Management | 2 |
ENCH600027 | Perancangan Pabrik | Plant Design | 4 |
ENCH600028 | Kerja Praktek | Internship | 2 |
ENCH600029 | Metodologi Penelitian & Seminar | Research Methodology & Seminar | 2 |
ENCH800001 | Termodinamika Teknik Kimia Lanjut | Advanced Chemical Engineering Termodynamics | 3 |
Pilihan 6 | Elective 6 | 3 | |
Pilihan 7 | Elective 7 | 3 | |
Subtotal | 22 | ||
Code | Semester 8 | 8th Semester | Credits |
ENCH600033 | Skripsi | Undergraduate Thesis | 5 |
ENCH600030 | Kapita Selekta | Capita Selecta | 2 |
ENCH800003 | Peristiwa Perpindahan Lanjut | Advanced Transport Phenomenon | 3 |
ENCH800004 | Teknik Reaksi Kimia Lanjut | Advanced Chemical Reaction Engineering | 3 |
ENCH800005 | Pemodelan Teknik Kimia Lanjut | Advanced Chemical Engineering Modelling | 3 |
Pilihan 8 | Elective 7 | 3 | |
Subtotal | 18 | ||
Code | Semester 9 | 9th Semester | Credits |
ENCH800006 | Metodologi Penelitian | Research Methodology | 3 |
ENCH800007 | Pra Tesis | Pre-Thesis | 4 |
Pilihan 9 | Elective 9 | 3 | |
Pilihan 10 | Elective 10 | 3 | |
Subtotal | 13 | ||
Code | Semester 10 | 10th Semester | Credits |
ENCH800008 | Tesis | Thesis | 4 |
ENCH800055 | Publikasi Ilmiah | Research Publication | 2 |
Subtotal | 6 |
Courses Placement of Fast Track Undergraduate to Doctor Courses in Chemical Engineering Study Program from Chemical Engineering Undergraduate Program
Code | Semester 7 | 7th Semester | Credits |
ENCH600027 | Pengolahan Gas Bumi | Natural Gas Processing | 3 |
ENCH600028 | Manajemen Proyek Industri | Industrial Project Management | 2 |
ENCH600027 | Perancangan Pabrik | Plant Design | 4 |
ENCH600028 | Kerja Praktek | Internship | 2 |
ENCH600029 | Metodologi Penelitian & Seminar | Research Methodology & Seminar | 2 |
ENCH800001 | Termodinamika Teknik Kimia Lanjut | Advanced Chemical Engineering Termodynamics | 3 |
Pilihan 6 | Elective 6 | 3 | |
Pilihan 7 | Elective 7 | 3 | |
Subtotal | 22 | ||
Code | Semester 8 | 8th Semester | Credits |
ENCH600033 | Skripsi | Undergraduate Thesis | 5 |
ENCH600030 | Kapita Selekta | Capita Selecta | 2 |
ENCH800003 | Peristiwa Perpindahan Lanjut | Advanced Transport Phenomenon | 3 |
ENCH800004 | Teknik Reaksi Kimia Lanjut | Advanced Chemical Reaction Engineering | 3 |
ENCH800006 | Pemodelan Teknik Kimia Lanjut | Advanced Chemical Engineering Modelling | 3 |
Pilihan 8 | Elective 8 | 3 | |
Subtotal | 18 | ||
Code | Semester 9 | 9th Semester | Credits |
ENCH800006 | Metodologi Penelitian | Research Methodology | 3 |
ENCH800007 | Pra Tesis | Pre-Thesis | 4 |
Pilihan 9 | Elective 9 | 3 | |
Pilihan 10 | Elective 10 | 3 | |
ENCH900003 | Seminar Berkala Kelompok Ilmu | Research Group Periodic Seminar | 8 |
Subtotal | 21 | ||
Code | Semester 10 | 10th Semester | Credits |
ENCH800008 | Tesis | Thesis | 4 |
ENCH800055 | Publikasi Ilmiah | Research Publication | 2 |
ENCH900005 | Proposal Riset | Research Proposal | 6 |
Subtotal | 12 | ||
Code | Semester 11 | 11th Semester | Credits |
ENCH900007 | Publikasi 1 – Konferensi Internasional | Publication 1 – International Conference | 6 |
Subtotal | 6 | ||
Code | Semester 12 | 12th Semester | Credits |
ENCH900008 | Ujian Hasil Penelitian | Research Defense | 10 |
Subtotal | 10 | ||
Code | Semester 13 | 13th Semester | Credits |
ENCH900010 | Publikasi 2 – Jurnal Internasional | Publication 2 – International Journal | 8 |
Subtotal | 8 | ||
Code | Semester 14 | 14th Semester | Credits |
ENCH900011 | Publikasi 3 – Jurnal Internasional | Publication 3 – International Journal | 8 |
ENCH900012 | Promosi Doktor | Doctoral Promotion | 6 |
Subtotal | 14 |
Table of Equality Courses in Undergraduate Chemical Engineering Study Program in Curriculum 2016 and Curriculum 2020
No | Name of Courses in Curriculum | Semester | Credits | Name of Courses in Curriculum 2020 | Semester | Credits |
2016 | 2016 | 2020 | ||||
1 | MPKT A (Integrated Character Building A) | 2 | 6 | MPKT Terintegrasi (Integrated Character Building) | 2 | 5 |
2 | MPKT B (Integrated Character Building B) | 1 | 6 | |||
3 | MPK Bahasa Inggris (English) | 3 | 3 | MPK Bahasa Inggris (English) | 1 | 2 |
4 | Pengantar Teknik Kimia (Introduction to Chemical Engineering | 2 | 3 | Pengantar Teknik Kimia (Introduction to Chemical Engineering) | 1 | 2 |
5 | Biologi Molekular (Molecular Biology) | 4 | 3 | Biokimia (Biochemistry) | Elective (Odd) | 3 |
6 | Pengolahan Gas Bumi (Natural Gas Processing) | 7 | 3 | Pengolahan Gas Bumi (Natural Gas Processing) | Elective (Odd) | 3 |
7 | MPK Olah raga/seni (Sport/Art) | 1 | 1 | MPK Olah raga/seni (Sport/Art) | – | – |
8 | Skripsi (Undergraduate Thesis) | 8 | 4 | Skripsi (Undergraduate Thesis) | 8 | 5 |
9 | Statistik & Probabilistik (Statistic and Probability) | 4 | 2 | Statistik & Probabilistik (Statistic and Probability) | 2 | 2 |
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