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About UPPM

UPPM DTK is a Special Work Unit for Community Service and Dedication (UKK PPM) engaged in engineering, especially chemical engineering, which has been determined based on the Decree of the Chancellor of the University of Indonesia Number 2734 dated November 8, 2018.

To date, UPPM has completed various consulting works ranging from prefeasibility studies, feasibility studies (FS), to front end engineering design (FEED) for the chemical, oil and gas industries, and in the future new renewable energy.


The Community Service Unit (UPPM) of the Department of Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Indonesia (DTK-FTUI) is a venture unit under the coordination of DTK-FTUI which was established to support efforts to realize the vision and mission of DTK-FTUI in its function to provide laboratory and technical services, consultation and training for the industrial community, government institutions and other institutions/communities. UPPM-DTK-FTUI is also a means for teaching staff at DTK-FTUI to implement knowledge, experience and expertise in the field of chemical engineering which can have an influence on the progress of human resources, improve a better life, and contribute actively to the implementation of national development.


To become a superior and recognized venture unit in providing expertise-based services that are oriented towards quality and engineering values ​​in order to meet the needs of society in the national and global scope.


Providing laboratory services, engineering, research and project collaborations and training that prioritizes quality services with national and international quality standards.

Organizational Structure of UPPM-DTK

The Community Service Unit (UPPM) of the Chemical Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, University of Indonesia is a unit under the coordination of the Chemical Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, University of Indonesia, which was established to support efforts to realize the vision and mission of the Chemical Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, University of Indonesia in its function to provide laboratory and engineering services, consultation and chemical engineering training for the industrial community, government institutions and other institutions/communities.

Description of UPPM-DTK

As of March 2017, based on the results of the DTK FTUI working meeting, the activities of UPPM DTK FTUI are focused on the utilization, management, and development of service laboratories. Technical consulting services, training, and research collaboration can still be carried out using the UPPM DTK FTUI flag, but its management is carried out through the formation of an ad-hoc committee appointed by the Chairperson of UPPM DTK FTUI.